Sunday 29 October 2017

Maratha-Rajmata Jijau

        Rajmata Jijabai was born on 12 January 1598 and a daughter of Lakhoji Jadhav in present-day Buldhana  district of Maharashtra State. she was wed at an early age to Shahaji Bhosale, a nobleman and military commander under the Adil Shahi sultans of Bijapur in present-day Karnataka. She wholeheartedly supported her husband's cause. Shahaji had tried to establish a Maratha state on the ruins of the erstwhile Nizamshahi sultanate. However he was defeated by the combined forces of the Mughals and Adilshahi. Shahaji became a sardar in Adilshaha's army. He settled in Karnataka and got married again. As per the treaty he was forced to move south. In order to continue the struggle, he deputed her as queen regent.The elder son Sambhaji remained with their father. Shivaji left Bangalore along with his mother, a council of ministers and chosen military commanders. When they arrived in Pune it was full of jungles and wild beasts.She encouraged cuiltivators to settle. She renovated the kasaba ganapati temple. A Red sandstone palace of moderate size known as lal mahal was also built. She has given a number of decisions in legal and administrative matter known as majhars.
         Rajmata Jijabai was a very pious and intelligent person with great vision for independent Hindu kingdom. She inspired Shivaji by telling stories from Ramayan , Mahabharat. Inspired by her, Shivaji took Oath of Independence (SWARAJYA) in fort temple of lord Raireshwar in 1645 when he was 17.In Shivaji,s impeccable , spotless character and courage Jijabai,s contribution is enormous. Jijabai's elder son Sambhaji was killed while on a military expedition in Karnataka by Afzal Khan. When Shahaji died, Jijabai tried to commit sati - committing suicide by burning oneself in the husband's pyre, but Shivaji stopped her from doing so by his request. Jijabai is widely credited with raising Shivaji in a manner that led to his future greatness. She died soon after coronation of Shivaji Maharaj.
        Rajmata Jijabai was a religious personality better known as the mother of Chatrapathi Shivaji, founder of the Maratha Empire. She was the first wife of Shahaji Bhosale, a nobleman and military commander under the Adil Shahi sultans of Bijapur. She is known for her support to both her husband and sons in establishing Hindu empire in the country, when it was fully dominated by Mughals. She also played a pivot role in bringing up young Sivaji in a religious atmosphere.
       She wedded at a younger age to Shahaji Bhosle and had 8 children of whom only 2 sons survived. She was unhappy that both her father and her husband were serving under Muslim sultans. In those days all Hindu leaders were forced to work under Nizam. Jijabai was one of the main administrators of the city and
she was well educated as well. She was very religious and young Shivaji was very much attached to his mother. He was brought up in a religious background by his mother who taught him both the great epics. He was deeply interested in Hinduism and was closely associated with saints during his life time. She wholeheartedly supported her husband’s intensions to establish a Hindu empire.But when he was defeated by the combined forces of Mughals and Adilshahi, he was forced to leave Pune. He married again and deputed her as queen regent.Shivaji lived with his mother in Pune. It was under the deep influence of his
mother and great stories of warriors she taught him, Shivaji took oath of ‘Swaraj’ and conquered many forts establishing the Maratha empire. However she died soon after coronation of Shivaji on 17 June 1674.
       She was crowned Rajmata but could not savour the fruits of her labour as after twelve days of the coronation in the year 1674 she passed away relieved that her dream of a Hindu Rajya upholding the principles of peace and justice had come into existence.

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